Modern Languages

Pupils coming into S1 usually have done French for at least one year at Primary School. In S1 pupils have language classes 2 periods a week. They focus predominantly on the skills of Talking and Listening. In order to enhance these skills, they have the opportunity to be in contact by email or video clip with pupils from our partner school in Cherbourg, France. At the end of S1 pupils will have an experience of both Spanish and Italian, and going into S2 they have the chance to opt for French, Spanish or Italian. Pupils can opt to take two languages, sometimes three! 

In S2 pupils continue with 2 periods of each chosen language, building their Talking and Listening skills as well as developing their Reading and Writing skills. Moreover, they begin to develop a deeper understanding of key grammar points and use of digital tools to support their Writing and Talking. We also have a partner school in Boadilla, Spain. Pupils exchange ideas and information about life at Holyrood by email or video conferencing. There is a trip to Madrid scheduled for June 2024 and pupils studying Spanish will have the opportunity to take part. Pupils are formally assessed in Reading and Writing in S2.

In S3 pupils progress in their BGE learning and developing all 4 skills (Talking, Listening, Reading and Writing), usually at Level 3 or 4. 

Going into Senior Phase pupils can study French, Spanish or Italian at National 3, national4, National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher level. There is a focus on the 4 contexts; Society, Culture, Employability and Learning of the language they have chosen. We also offer alternative unit options in Languages for Life and Work at Level 4 and Level 5. 

For more general information on Languages: Languages in a Nutshell


Pupils can study National 4 in French, Spanish or Italian.

Learning a new language enables learners to make connections with different people and their cultures, and to play a fuller part as global citizens. The ability to use language lies at the centre of thinking and learning.  Language is at the core of thinking. Learners reflect, communicate and develop ideas
through language.

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Pupils can study French, Spanish or Italian at National 5 level.
The National 5 Modern Languages course provides candidates with opportunities to continue to acquire and develop the attributes and capabilities of the four capacities as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.
Learning a new language enables candidates to make connections with different people and their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens. The ability to use language effectively lies at the centre of thinking and learning. Candidates reflect, communicate and develop ideas through language.

Pupils can study French, Spanish or Italian at Higher level.

All new and revised National Courses reflect the Curriculum for Excellence values, purposes and principles. They offer flexibility, and provide more time for learning, more focus on skills and applying learning, and scope for personalisation and choice. In this Course, and its component Units, there will be an emphasis on skills development and the application of those skills. Assessment approaches will be proportionate and fit for purpose and they will promote best practice, enabling learners to achieve the highest standards they can.

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