Staying Safe Online - Digital Safety

With the ever-changing technology in the world around us, it is important that pupils, parents and carers are aware of how to be safe online. 

Tips to Stay Safe Online: 

  • Think before you post. Don’t upload or share anything you wouldn’t want your parents, carers, teachers or future employers seeing. Once you post something, you lose control of it, especially if someone else screenshots or shares it.
  • Don’t share personal details. Keep things like your address, phone number, full name, school and date of birth private, and check what people can see in your privacy settings. Remember that people can use small clues like a school logo in a photo to find out a lot about you.
  • Watch out for scams. Phishing is when someone tries to trick you into giving them information, like your password. Someone might also try to trick you by saying they can make you famous or that they’re from a talent agency. Never click links from emails or messages that ask you to log in or share your details, even if you think they might be genuine. If you’re asked to log into a website, go to the app or site directly instead.
  • Think about who you are actually talking to. There are lots of ways that people try to trick you into trusting them online. Even if you like and trust someone you’ve met online, never share personal information with them like your address, full name, or where you go to school. For more information on online grooming click here. 
  • Keep your device(s) secure. Make sure you are keeping your device and personal information secure and safe. For more information on keeping your device secure click here. 
  • Never give out your password. You should never give out your password or log-in information. Make sure you pick strong, easy to remember passwords.
3 ways to get support if things go wrong.
  1. Talk to somebody you trust. You could speak to your parents/carers or  pastoral care teacher, or an adult that you trust. 
  2. If you are being cyber-bullied or have witnessed someone else being cyber-bullied – then report this to your trusted adult. You should also report this to the app/website as often they will delete the bully’s account. 
  3. If you’re worried about something you’ve shared then delete it or talk to your trusted adult about why you are worried.


What is bullying/cyber-bullying?

Bullying and cyberbullying can mean lots of different things. It can happen anywhere, including online, at school or at home.

Bullying can include: 

  • being called names, teased or humiliated
  • posting, commenting on or liking nasty photos, videos or posts about you on social media platforms
  • being pushed, hit or hurt
  • having money and other stuff stolen from you
  • spreading rumours or starting group chats about you
  • being ignored, left out or made to feel like you’re not wanted
  • being threatened, intimidated or sent nasty messages
  • trolling you or commenting on your posts or pictures saying nasty things
  • someone revealing personal details without your permission
  • targeting you over and over again in an online game.
Dealing with Bullying
  • Report it to a trusted adult. 
  • Keep any evidence of the bullying so you can show your trusted adult, and show what has been said and what’s happening. 
  • Tell your pastoral care teacher or a teacher you trust, we are here to support you. You could show them the screenshots to show them what has been said. 

For more information on cyber-bullying click here.