Eco Schools

The Sustainability Leaders have created a January challenge calendar to encourage an eco-friendly start to 2025. The challenges are a mixture of various ideas and actions that focus on the school environment and the “Three R’s” (reduce, reuse and recycle).

The Sustainability Team is delighted to share that we have achieved Eco Schools Green Flag status from Keeping Scotland Beautiful (KSB). A Green Flag is a visible indication of a school’s commitment to Learning for Sustainability and an internationally recognised accreditation for excellence in sustainable education. KSB recognised our whole school approach to making our school more sustainable.

Our Sustainability Team make up the Eco Committee and have been driving forward initiatives for the last 18 months. It is made up of pupils from all year groups and anyone is welcome to join. We meet once a term and spend the rest of the time carrying out our initiatives. Recent initiatives have included the reusable plastic bottle campaign, whole school recycling, the Christmas Jumper Appeal and outdoor activities. We received amazing feedback from Keeping Scotland Beautiful (KSB) and our Green Flag status lasts for two years.