Pupil Voice in Holyrood

We have continued this session to develop our strategy to ensure that all young people in Holyrood are heard. We now have Pupil Parliaments established across all year groups. The representatives, known as Pupil Parliament Representatives (PPRs) hold regular meetings and surgeries throughout the year. After each of our PPR meetings a small group of representatives then have a follow up meeting with the Head Teacher to discuss any matters arising from the meetings.
This year our PPR group was an integral part in the establishment of our S1 VIP room. The room was available to S1 during BGE lunchtimes to support the P7 transition programme. The VIP room was situated in the conference room and provided a safe space for young people to relax at lunchtime. The room had a number of different zones which volunteers were responsible for supervising, including games, beanbag zone and homework support. It was a great success with high numbers every day.
Our Senior Democracy Team have establish a Period Dignity Group (PDG) who have been hugely successful in ensuring every young person has easy access to period
products. Our PDG was also asked to host the GCC Period Dignity Month launch event that was attended by a number of important dignitaries, including the now
Deputy First Minister, Shona Robison.
Finally, our PPR groups continues to support our Rights Respecting Schools journey having now secured our Silver status: Rights Awara. The PPR and RRS group are working towards securing our Gold status in the next academic year.

We will continue with a number of our already successful initiatives:
• Termly PPR meetings for each year group.
• Follow up meetings with the HT and other DHT’s.
• Attending GCC Pupil Forums meeting in the City Chambers.
• Lunchtime surgeries to listen to the views of our young people.
• Introduction of the Higher Leadership award for Senior Pupils.
• Working with the Senior Democracy Team.
• Continuing to use our Twitter Page to promote the views and success of the PPRs. (follow us on Twitter @holyroodPPRs)