The School Library

All pupils can join the School Library and borrow books. It’s easy to join. Speak to the librarian,
Miss Kindness to collect your library card and check opening times. There is a wide selection of books, comics and magazines to read for pleasure, and to help your learning.
We have a Book Club, competitions and special events to celebrate reading, or you can simply come and
read in peace and quiet.

Our pupils say “A book is your friend – you’ll never be lonely in the Library“!

Throughout the year, you will get the chance to visit and borrow books with your English class, or you can
visit out of class time.

Self-Help Books

The Library has a wide range of books to help you with health and wellbeing. Some of these books can help you to cope with the stress of exams, others focus on mindfulness and self-esteem. 

Feel free to come to the library and borrow any of these books at any time.