Technical Subjects
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Design & Manufacturing
The Course is practical, exploratory and experiential in nature. It combines elements of creativity and designing for aesthetic or visual impact with a requirement to consider a product’s function and performance. It helps the learner appreciate the tensions that exist between factors such as aesthetics, function, economics and the environment.
The Course allows learners to consider the various factors that impact on a product’s design. The learner will consider the life cycle of a product from its inception through design, manufacture, and use, including its disposal or re-use— a ‘cradle-to-cradle’ approach to design.
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Graphic Communication
This course provides a broad practical introduction to design, and materials and manufacturing processes. You will develop design skills, as well as skills in making models, prototypes and products. And, you will look at the life cycle of a product; from idea through to the design, manufacture, and use, including its disposal or re-use.
The course has two compulsory units, plus an added value unit that assesses your practical skills.
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This course provides a broad practical introduction to design, and materials and manufacturing processes. You will develop design skills, as well as skills in making models, prototypes and products. And, you will look at the life cycle of a product; from idea through design, manufacture, and use, including its disposal or re-use. You will learn to appreciate the tensions that exist between factors such as aesthetics, function, economics and the environment.
The course comprises two areas of study.
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This course combines elements of creativity and designing for aesthetic or visual impact with elements of designing for the practicalities of manufacturing. You will appreciate the importance to a product of form, function, and performance. You will develop strategies for the evaluation of these attributes and to refine and resolve their designs accordingly. The course allows consideration of the various factors that impact on a product’s design. It will consider the life cycle of a product from its inception through design, manufacture, and use, including its disposal and/or re-use – cradle-to-cradle.
The course consists of two compulsory units and the course assessment unit.
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Metal Work
This course will give you a broad introduction to practical metalworking skills. You will learn the correct use of tools and equipment, and a range of materials, processes and techniques. And, you will be able to read and interpret diagrams, and work safely in a workshop-based setting. You will get to use some creative skills, and plan your activities through to completing a finished product in metal.
The skills you learn in this course will help you move into career areas such as craft, design, engineering and graphics.
In this course you will develop manual dexterity and control skills in a specialist craft. You will learn about the correct use of a range of tools, equipment and materials. The skills you learn in this course are also useful to other areas such as woodworking. And, you will learn how to work effectively alongside others in a workshop environment.
In all three units you will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop setting. And, you will look at how metals are made and recycled and how this impacts the environment.
The course has three compulsory units, plus an added value unit that assesses your practical skills.
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In this course you will develop manual dexterity and control skills in a specialist practical craft. You will learn about the correct use of a range of tools, equipment and materials. The skills you learn in this course are also useful to other areas such as woodworking. And, you will learn how to work effectively alongside others in a workshop environment.
The course comprises three areas of study
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This course will give you a broad introduction to practical woodworking skills. You will learn the correct use of tools and equipment, and a range of materials, processes and techniques. And, you will be able to read and interpret diagrams, and work safely in a workshop-based setting. You will get to use some creative skills, and plan your activities through to completing a finished product in wood.
In this course you will develop manual dexterity and control skills in a specialist practical craft. You will learn about the correct use of a range of tools, equipment and materials. And, you will learn how to work effectively alongside others in a workshop environment.
In all three units you will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop setting. And, you will look at environmental issues and good practice in recycling in a woodworking context.
The course has three compulsory units, plus an added value unit that asssesses your practical skills.
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This course will help you develop and enhance your practical, creative and problem solving skills. You will learn about the correct use of a range of tools, equipment and a range of woodworking materials. And, you will learn how to work effectively alongside others in a workshop environment.
You will develop an appreciation of safe working practices in a workshop setting. And, you will look at environmental issues and good practice in recycling in a woodworking context. The course comprises three areas of study.
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