The courses provide candidates with opportunities to develop skills in listening, talking, reading and writing. Language and literacy skills are of personal, social and economic importance.
Aims of the Course
The main purpose of the Course is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening, talking, reading and writing in order to understand and use language.
The Course provides flexibility, personalisation and choice to enable learners to achieve in different ways and at different paces.
The Course provides opportunities for learners to build on prior learning experienced in a broad general education or in English qualifications at a lower SCQF level.
for further details – https://www.npfs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/nutshell_english_N4_E.pdf
Aims of the Course
The main purpose of this course is to provide candidates with the opportunity to develop the skills of reading, writing, talking and listening in order to understand and to use language which is detailed in content.
The course offers candidates opportunities to develop and extend a wide range of skills. In particular, the course aims to enable candidates to develop the ability to:
- read, write, talk and listen, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
- understand, analyse and evaluate texts, including Scottish texts, in the contexts of literature, language and/or the media
- create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context, through the application of their knowledge and understanding of language
As candidates develop their language skills, they will be able to process ideas and information more readily, apply knowledge of language in practical and relevant contexts, and gain confidence to use detailed language with clarity and purpose. Candidates develop analytical thinking and an understanding of the impact of language through the study of a wide range of texts.
for further details – https://www.npfs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/nutshell_english_N5_E.pdf
Aims of the Course
The main purpose of the Course is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening, talking, reading and writing in order to understand and use language.
As learners develop their literacy skills, they will be able to process information more easily, apply knowledge of language in practical and relevant contexts, and gain confidence to undertake new and more challenging tasks in a variety of situations.
Building on literacy skills, the Course develops understanding of the complexities of language, including through the study of a wide range of texts. The Course develops high levels of analytical thinking and understanding of the impact of language.
for further details – https://www.npfs.org.uk/downloads/higher-english/
Aims of the Course
The Advanced Higher English Course provides learners with the opportunity to apply critical, analytical and evaluative skills to a wide range of complex texts from different genres. Learners develop sophisticated writing skills; responding to the way structure, form and language shape the overall meaning of texts.
for further details – https://www.planitplus.net/Nationals/View/148